Reptiles can make amazing pets who are easy to care for. But what reptiles are best for beginners? Today, our South Lebanon vets offer advice on the best reptile pets for beginners.
Reptiles come in a variety of shapes and sizes, with some requiring more care than others. The bottom line and motif we were looking for was little upkeep. Few people have the time or finances to care for a pet with a variety of needs. Nonetheless, this list necessitates far fewer resources than other exotic pets. Here are our picks for the easiest reptiles to take care of for beginners.
1. Leopard Gecko
A leopard gecko is a peaceful and "durable" pet that is ideal for beginners. These spotted geckos are quiet and easy to care for, making them perfect for beginners. They are nocturnal, if your family is active early in the morning or late at night, you will get to witness their peak activity!
2. Bearded Dragon
A bearded dragon can reach a length of 24 inches and live for more than 10 years. They are one of the best reptiles for handling, as beardies enjoy being picked up and given affection. They eat many different things including crickets, worms, and vegetables.
3. Crested Gecko
Crested geckos are calm animals but they have some interesting features and characteristics. The long crests on their bodies and eyes give them the appearance of cartoons. This kind of gecko is arboreal and requires a vertical habitat, making it an ideal pet for someone who may not have enough space for a standard horizontal enclosure.
4. Turtles
Turtles can reach 11 inches in length and survive for more than 30 years. Turtles spend most of their life in water, have webbed feet, and are omnivores. A turtle's diet may include crickets, worms, goldfish, vegetables, and pellets.
5. Corn Snakes
Corn snakes are great for beginners because they will spend more of their time digging holes and hiding from you. That is why is it important to have the proper housing for your corn snakes. Because of their curiosity, they are excellent escape artists, so make sure their tank and lid are secure. These multi-colored snakes make excellent pets because they are small and docile.
6. Water Dragons
You can spend more time appreciating them than caring for them if they have a proper and regulated habitat. Many people want to acquire iguanas but are put off by their size or violent behavior, so the water dragon is a wonderful compromise. They are significantly smaller and far friendlier, yet retain the same physical characteristics.
7. Tortoise
Tortoises are land-dwelling reptiles that can grow to be 12 inches long and live for more than 50 years if properly cared for. Tortoises have an ancient pedigree that can be traced back to the days of the dinosaurs, making them appear incredibly prehistoric. Unlike turtles, these guys are herbivores who prefer to live on land rather than in water.